(2014-06-18 11:57 PM)
Killing animals to crteae drugs to treat dementia is demented. Transgenic diseases especially unknown ones can easily cross the species barrier such as prions from mad cow disease in humans (CJD and variants). The best treatments are Vitamin D3 (need 25OH D3 test to identify the amount of correction needed to bring levels up to those in summer) from fish oil or for vegans from Vitashine D3, along with vitamin B12, folic acid, cinnamon and organic cocos nucifera oil. Avoiding aluminium (also found in deodorants) and non stick in cookware, avoiding fluoride where possible and replacing amalgam fillings (see iaomt.org for information including mercury detox) with using dental bonding agents without fluoride, is important. Best to avoid these: milk, dairy, wheat, gluten and MSG, HFCS/GFS, hydrogenated fats oils, Aspartame, microwaved food and drink. Avoid alcohol and tobacco.