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Grup de dezvoltare personala: Da viata vietii tale!
Am ajuns intr-un anumit moment al vietii si analizam nivelul atins pana acum. Suntem multumimiti sau nu? Dorim mai mult sau ce avem ne face multumiti si impliniti? Avem sentimentul ca exista ceva in noi ce trebuie descoperit sau simtim ca ne-am descoperit cu totul? Ne bucuram suficient de dragoste sau parca ceva lipseste?

Acestea sunt doar cateva dintre intrebarile la care vrem sa gasim raspunsul potrivit impreuna motivati de ideea ca pentru a fi bun cu adevarat in viata, pentru a putea fi un model pe care ceilalti sa-l urmeze, trebuie sa fim dispusi sa investim tot timpul in noi, sa vrem sa invatam tot ce ne ajuta sa fim mai buni. Vrem sa facem asta impreuna in cadrul grupului de dezvoltare personala cu tema DA VIATA VIETII TALE!

Coordonator grup : psih.dr. Ioana Suciu, trainer & coach

Unde?: Cabinet Individual de Psihologie Ioana Suciu ,Cluj -Napoca , str Motilor nr 35 , ap 1

Orar : 18.00 – 20.30 (1 intalnire /saptamana , 6 saptamani )
Perioada : 9 iulie -17 august 2012

Taxa: 250 Ron

Nou !!! Cumpara un voucher si pentru cei dragi tie doar 240 RON

*Grupurile de minim 5 persoane beneficiaza de o reducere de 20 %

Pentru inscrieri si detalii: sau 0757 335 402 sau 0264 333 205

Pentru inscriere completati formularul:

Data limita de inscriere: 4 iulie 2012

Grup de maxim 12 persoane !!!
Categorie: Diverse | Adaugat de: (2012-06-21) | Autor: Cabinet Psihologic Ioana Suciu E
Vizualizari: 314 | Comentarii: 1 | Raging: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 1
1 Naveesh  
Dear Alin, I wrote already last week an asemssesnt that I had sent around to colleagues in the field whose email address I had. I copy it down for you:September 23, 2012Gesine RobinsonRebuttal of the presentation of a Gospel of Jesus’ wifeMy objections to the claim of an ancient manuscript fragment and my reasons for regarding it a modern forgery are manifold:1. Claiming to possess an ancient fragment without knowing its provenance is unfortunate enough, but without giving the current owner is highly suspicious.2. Even the square format of the papyrus piece with its neat edges suggests that this, at best, is scrap-material, not a preserved manuscript fragment.3. The papyrus itself may actually be ancient (though this cannot be determined by simply “carefully examining” it, as was maintained), since at least the vertical side gives a rather genuine impression, but the handwriting on the horizontal side is very different, especially with regard to the space between letters and between the lines.4. On paleographical grounds, the handwriting cannot come from the 4th century; especially judging from the way the T is written, for instance; there is no resemblance to the other known 4th century texts.5. Miraculously, there are always full phrases preserved, something that hardly happens on a small single fragment.6. And amazingly, on this small piece there are, according to the editors, allusions not only to one but even to two of the more well-known non-biblical gospels, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Thomas.7. In terms of the language, only the simplest vocabulary is used and only simple constructions are employed, as if the writer were afraid to make a grammatical mistake.8. Therefore, the rather rare phrase peje ib1b1b1s+ (though frequently used in the Gospel of Thomas since we have to do there with a collection of Jesus’ sayings) is used even in both instances of speaking, instead of the form pejaF (+ pronominal/nominal object) + NCi + subject that is more common in dialogues or other literary texts. Here in the first instance one would expect something like pejau NIs+ NCi Nmaqhths, and in the second instance pejaF nau NCi ib1b1s+, or since Jesus answers the disciples, even aFouwvb= NCi Is+ pejaF nau je. It seems a cautious and perhaps unsure modern Coptologist was at work here.9. In addition, even though in Coptic dictionaries sHime is used for “woman” and Hime for “wife,” Hime is almost never used in comparable literary texts, not for the wife of Adam, Jacob, or any other male figures.10. In the 2nd century, a time for which the Greek original is presupposed, an author would never have let Jesus simply say, “my wife,” existent or not. Women were relegated to the household as soon as Christian communities ventured out into the public sphere. In case of a disciple married to Jesus, the author would perhaps have explained in a dependent sentence the married status, like “Mary Magdalene, my wife, . . .”. The plain phrase “my wife” betrays modern thinking.Finally let me express how deeply saddened and troubled I am by the latest trend in manuscript research. There seems to be a new integrity problem, starting with Marv Meyer’s “no comment” (regarding the Gospel of Judas) to Jim Robinson who had worked tirelessly for openness in textual research, up to the newest and most blatant example in Rome. Again secrecy was used as a means to maximize the sensational effect. For this reason, everything was intentionally orchestrated in a way that assured this outcome. It appears that the opening up of the Harvard website and the arrival of the press at the same moment the introduction in Rome was given were coordinated to that end. I am concerned that henceforth new manuscript discoveries will be widely assessed by experts in the field as something that individual scholars can exploit for their own profit.Scholarship always benefitted from letting colleagues know about current works, from having open discussions of individual research projects at conventions, or from peer reviews prior to publications – something that would have been very beneficial especially in this current instance. Instead it was chosen to hide information from peers and introduce something with so much fanfare and speculation that it surely has to be backtracked one day, just like the evaluation of the Gospel of Judas had to be reversed by the first editors.

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